April 2021 Eco Church Update

Spring is here. What wonderful displays of flowers for us to enjoy. Reflecting on the wonder of New Life this Easter we have this displayed before us as the seeds/bulbs buried in the soil from last years dead flowers spring into New Life again. God’s promise for us all.

Some very good news to report; the Long Term Resilience Plan for Beaminster has been formally adopted by our Town Council. This was the result of a small group drawn from Beaminster Area ECO Group, ECO Church, and the Town Council. We thank Michael Dower for his tireless work in bringing it together in written form.

The PCC has approved upgrading the Church lighting to LED and the installation of Solar PV on the South Aisle roof. It is also considering approval for Air Source Heat Pumps to run the under floor heating supplemented with the ECO boiler when necessary. These projects will reduce our CO2 by 9.7 tonnes (74%)

As restrictions lift we may be able to arrange a community litter pick on May 22.

Eco Tips

On your walks take time to look at the buds bursting into life.
Notice the birds and enjoy their spring songs.
Continue to sew seeds and savour the taste of home grown vegetables later this year.
Remember to keep your bird feeders full and look out for hedgehogs.

Gillian Perrott