Beaminster Baby & Toddler Group

The Beaminster Baby & Toddler Group is on its summer holidays but we’ll be back from building sandcastles in September.

Welcome back to another year of toddler group. It has been amazing to see our oldest children start school this September and welcome new children in our group.

We have brought in a small donation suggestion of a pound per week, per family to help cover our costs. There is a basket by the sign in sheet.

If you have any suggestions for how to improve our group, do share them with us. We want to make this group as welcoming, friendly, and supportive as possible.

How to Join Us

Welcome back to the Baby and Toddler group at St Mary’s Church in Beaminster. It runs on Monday mornings, 10-11:30am inside the church. We’re meeting most Mondays. We just take breaks for school and public holidays. You do not need to book, just turn up at St Mary’s Church Beaminster at 10am on a Monday. 

We have free play, a baby area, sometimes a craft activity, refreshments for parents. and end each session with a story and singing. Sometimes our stories are from the bible and other times they are not. We always close with a short prayer.

We welcome carers, and children aged 0-4. Do get in touch with Jo, for more information.