Eco Church August Update

Summer is in full swing with bounty of vegetables, fruit to share and enrich our diets. Observe and identify trees, hedgerows and wild flowers as you walk through our beautiful countryside. God the Creator is good to us: the responsibility is for us to care for His world to the very best of our ability.

Whilst we may do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint, as a country we need our government to act on a larger scale. However, recent leaked news states that the PM is threatening to scrap the government’s £11.6 billion climate and nature pledge. We can’t let this happen.                        

Our MP’s recent news is hopeful in two respects.

1. South West Water is planning an investment to clean up the river Lim from sewage discharge and other pollution in the Char Valley. We need to see action here and the need for Wessex Water to act similarly over the River Brit. This should result in local beaches becoming safe.

2. His campaign for the reduction of single use plastics is making progress.                                                      

At last, after seven months of struggle dealing with National Grid, Western Power Distribution and eventually changing our supplier to Octopus, we are now able to get 15p for every kWh our solar panels export.

Gill Perrott

Worship at Home – Epiphany
Join Reverend Canon Joanna Neary, Team Vicar in the Beaminster Team, for a Worship at Home video service for Epiphany.