This year Recycle Week in October was celebrating its 20th anniversary and inspired children, families and whole communities to get involved. However we need to address recycling constantly.
Sadly because some have not followed instructions we are no longer able to be a collection point for pill packets at the church. Superdrug in Yeovil and Dorchester will only accept your personal collections of empty pill packets but not the large amounts we were taking in from the church collection bin. So please continue to collect your own and take them or ask a friend/neighbour who is already going to either place.
We have had to remove our recycling bin for these and other items as it was being used for general waste. We will still receive any empty coffee/tea packaging. Please collect these at home and when ready leave in a large plastic bag by the ECO board in church.
Our Coop has a recycling bin for soft wrappings of crisps, snacks, biscuits, confectionary, bread etc. Also clean and dry animal feed pouches so please take yours directly there.
As well as nuts, 2023 has been a great year for berries. Hawthorn, Pyracantha, holly, elders and Viburnum lantana (Wayfaring Tree) will all provide welcome food for birds including blackbirds and thrushes. We are hoping to increase some of these plants in our churchyard.
Get to know your local green space. Take time to wander in Beaminster or your village churchyard on fine days. Take time to observe the different plants and animals that dwell here. What berries are there for birds? Have you any nesting boxes or bird feeders?
Gill Perrott