Eco Church February 2024 Update

This year is the 30th anniversary for Fairtrade Foundation. St Mary’s, Beaminster is a Fairtrade Church so we will be holding some events throughout the year to support Fairtrade.

The climate crisis is the biggest threat to the livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers and agricultural workers in low-income countries worldwide. These farmers have a very low carbon footprint and need financial help to mitigate and adapt techniques to protect the environment and their businesses. The Fairtrade Foundation helps support these farmers and growers.

Climate change is now being felt in the UK with the huge increase in rainfall and resultant flooding last month. We need to act in any way we can to reduce our carbon footprint and pray for our government to have wisdom in making the right decisions in this regard. We need to make sure climate justice remains a top priority.

Our first event this year will be a Fairtrade Coffee Morning in the Strode Room on Saturday 9 March from ten until midday. We plan to have the following stalls:- Cakes, Fairtrade Goods, Second Hand Books, Waste not Want not, Accessories, and a Raffle. Any offers of home-made cakes raffle prizes would be very helpful. We will also have Fairtrade goods and cakes for sale on Sundays 10 March and 17 March after the 9.30 service.

Gill Perrott

Beaminster Big Green Day
Gather with the wider community on 28 September to commit to practical steps to live more sustainably.