Eco Church January 2024 Update

We have just ended our Advent Nativity Weekend at Beaminster Church. There was an amazing display of Nativity sets from all round the world. All unique and beautifully displayed in the church amongst hay, greenery, and lights. Many people came in to enjoy the scene including schools, Messy Church, mums and toddlers. The weekend ended with a well-attended Advent Carol Service.

It seems very poignant that while we sing about Israel and peace on earth there is a terrible massacre taking place in Israel and Gaza. May peace and respect for others be restored there. As I write COP 28 is taking place. Dr Sultan Al Jaber’s keynote speech stated energy is necessary for our lives but we must decarbonise the production of oil and gas. 118 countries have endorsed the pledge to triple their renewable energy capacity by 2030 and double their energy efficiency. We pray they will do this.

What changes will 2024 bring? What do we hope and wish for? Reflecting on the state of our world may send us into despair, thinking there’s little we can do. But pause for a moment and reflect on the created world. We can make a difference as we take action to care for all creatures and fellow human beings.

The Big Garden Birdwatch is the UK’s largest garden wildlife survey running every year since 1979.

  • Keep bird feeders topped up & provide water.
  • Register on the RSPB website to take part in The Big Garden Bird Watch.
  • Then enjoy watching & counting birds in your garden or in Churchyards for one hour during weekend 26-28 January and sending in results.

Gill Perrott

Beaminster Big Green Day
Gather with the wider community on 28 September to commit to practical steps to live more sustainably.