Eco Church March 2024 Update

We value our Churchyard and do our best to maintain it for conservation and in an environmentally friendly way for wildlife. Several of our Gardening Volunteers have stepped down as age has caught up with them and we are now seeking new Volunteers to join Keith and Ing-Marie Beldam in caring for the Churchyard. If you are willing to do this please get in touch so we can arrange a meeting with Keith and Ing-Marie to discuss how to proceed.

Plastic, it’s everywhere . From the rubbish that litters our streets to the pots, and packets our food and drink often comes in. Supermarkets still have almost all fruit and Veg wrapped in plastic. Plastic is harming our health and our environment. Greenpeace is taking action to bring pressure on the Government to take much more effort to reduce single use plastics.

For just one week – 11-17 March 2024 – households all over the country will count their plastic packaging waste and share their results. Over 40,000 have already signed up.

Beaminster is registered as a Plastic Free Town so please consider joining in this effort. It could be fun and interesting for groups, streets, schools etc. to compare notes after taking part. Once registered you can download the Digital How to Guide. 

Gill Perrott

Worship at Home – Epiphany
Join Reverend Canon Joanna Neary, Team Vicar in the Beaminster Team, for a Worship at Home video service for Epiphany.