Eco Church May 2024 Update

May is the month when we focus on Global Justice. Soaring costs are affecting people here and around the world thus increasing poverty. Christian Aid Week is 12 to 18 May this year and is focusing on awareness of poverty. You will get a chance during this week to contribute in various ways to this cause and so play your part in Global Justice. Residents of Beaminster will receive a Christian Aid envelope through their post box. You can post your gift through the Church Office letter box.

On Thursday 16 May there is an Organ Recital in Church at 12 midday in aid of Christian Aid.

On Saturday 18 May there will be a Cake Stall in the Square for donations to Christian Aid. There will also be a collection tin outside the Post Office.

Poverty affects people locally as well and you can contribute to the Food Bank in Beaminster by purchasing vouchers from Nick Tett and Fruit and 2 Veg, also by taking clothes and shoes to the Clothes Bank at Prout Bridge.

May is also designated as National Walking Month. Enjoy finding new walks around Beaminster as well as the old favourites. Take a note of wildflowers you see and any wildlife. Enjoy the bluebells on Edmundcombe.

Churches Count on Nature event will take place in Beaminster Churchyard on Saturday 8 June from 10 am to 12 noon. Please come to spot the wildflowers, creatures, insects, birds etc. We hope to have some experts to help with identification.

Gill Perrott

Beaminster Big Green Day
Gather with the wider community on 28 September to commit to practical steps to live more sustainably.