Life is changing again now lockdown is easing but to what? As we return to an unknown way of living, can we strive for something better, keeping some of the simplicity and localness that we had during lockdown? Why should we want to do this?
We may gain a higher quality of life, because looking ahead we face a threat which is much more powerful and long lasting than the coronavirus pandemic, namely –Climate change.
We need to live more lightly on the earth, to cut down the use of fossil fuels, to limit our call on the world’s precious resources, to reduce waste, and to protect wildlife, and all Creation of which we are part.
On a good note the wild flowers in the churchyard are stunning this year. Do go up and enjoy them specially round the south side of the church.
One example of this is our curate Fiona who has invested in an Electric Bike. She now uses it to travel around the Team Churches whenever possible and for her own needs and enjoyment thus reducing fossil fuels. So give her a wave when you see her flying past.
NB Environment Event planned for October 17 has been postponed till March 2021 because of the on-going situation.
Eco Tips
- Where food is concerned:- LOAF shop Local, Organic if possible, Animal friendly (how are they reared), Fairly traded.
- Check air miles and go for loose veg and fruit unwrapped by plastic
- How are your home grown vegetables and fruit doing?
– Gillian Perrott