Eco-Church News April 2020

Say Yes to Life is the Lent study book suggested by Archbishop Justin Welby and encouraged by our own Bishop. Nicholas. We have been ably led by Jo here and Fiona in Mosterton in working through it week by week.

The book & course are inspirational, enlightening and encourage us to action to care for our Earth & all created beings. We have been challenged.

Another smaller project is the Greener Choices Group made up of seven households in Beaminster with the aim to be better informed so we can make our own choices in actions that will hopefully cut our Carbon Footprint.

Our next topic is Spend less on Energy
Turn your heating off when you can now Spring is here. Switch to LED lights. Don’t leave things on standby. Dry washing in the sun rather than the tumble drier and clothes will smell of fresh air.

The Fairtrade Coffee Morning & Stalls made £370. Many thanks to all who helped & came.

Alas for obvious reasons the ECO walk on 22 March has been cancelled and we are no longer able to run the Litter Pick on 4 April.

-Gillian Perrott

Worship at Home – Epiphany
Join Reverend Canon Joanna Neary, Team Vicar in the Beaminster Team, for a Worship at Home video service for Epiphany.