What is Gin Church?

Gin Church has been meeting regularly since November 2020 online although it began in Lent 2019. It is an hour gathering every Thursday at 8.15pm on Zoom. Anyone can join in. Our current group is exclusively female but we welcome everyone. We are a group of people who enjoy meeting together, sharing a gin and tonic or tipple of your choice and talking together about spiritual things. We come from different faith experiences; some have been Christians for a long time, others are recently baptised or confirmed, others are exploring faith – there is no right or wrong way to be.
We stick to the same structure each week. Firstly we go round the group reflecting on the highlights and lowlights of the week. This is based on the spiritual practice of the Examen, reflecting on our daily experiences with God. Then we look at a bible passage together and talk about it. We ask questions, discuss ideas and think about how the passage relates to our context and everyday lives. Then at the end of our time we share any prayer needs and pray together.
Gin church is about building friendships and encouraging each other. It is about sharing a drink together at the end of a busy week. It is about discussing the bible and faith and God in an easy and accessible way. It is about exploring faith and how we live out our faith day by day. It is about praying for each other and caring for each other. You are very welcome to join in and be part of the Gin Church community. Just message me: revneary@gmail.com for the Zoom link.