As I write this we are in the process of unlocking! However many of us are finding this hard, although in some ways a relief. Our church has been thoroughly cleaned this morning preparatory to being opened for reflection & private prayer. This will be for limited times at first, but it is a start.
Meanwhile, some have been enjoying the wonderful display of wild flowers in the churchyard in the most glorious weather! It’s so good to have time to sit and look around at the views, distant and near, bringing us to wonder at God’s creation. The diversity, colour, sounds, scents. I could go on and now some welcome rain.
As the country’s economy picks up again we need to hope and pray that the reduced carbon in the atmosphere is here to stay.
This week I heard Bishop Nicholas say that the Church of England’s aim is for all our churches to be carbon neutral by 2030. What a challenge.
Although our application is in for Gold Award with Eco Church, we still have a long way to go.
Keep reflecting on how you would like life to change so that we can all enjoy clearer birdsong, cleaner air to breath, life to be good and healthy for future generations, our grandchildren and all people on earth.
- Gillian Perrott