Although I’m writing this in the very cold weather in February the signs of Spring coming are all around. The snowdrops in the churchyard are a dazzling sight. There many sightings around Beaminster, Daffodils too sporting their sunny heads. Despite the cold, birds are beginning to sing and chatter. We see signs of nest building. Remember to keep your bird feeders topped up to help the birds maintain a healthy condition prior to rearing their young.
Thinking of our environment, now is the time to plan what vegetables you may want to grow. Eating your home-grown veg is very satisfying and tasty. If you haven’t a garden or space, then pots will do. We have good rich compost free to collect. Please contact us if you would like some. It may be fun to share ideas, seeds and help with friends or neighbours. We may be able to run a table with our excess vegetables this summer for anyone to help themselves.
Also think of sow pollinating flowers to encourage insects into your garden.
Eco Tips
Check through your seed packets.
Decide what you need & order (Groves both here & Bridport is open) or order online.
Get sowing and enjoy your labours later this year.
Gillian Perrott