Our Response to Covid-19 Virus (updated 24/03/2020)

The latest update on how we should respond to the present state of the Covid-19 Virus.

Update 24/03/2020

Following government guidance all of our churches are now closed and locked.

Update 19/03/2020

Lunchtime concerts are cancelled – there are no concerts today.

All church services are currently paused. Arrangements are being made about baptisms, funerals, and weddings.

The clergy say morning prayer at 9am and evening prayer at 4pm if you would like to join them from the comfort of your home. Text is available on the Church of England website – https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/join-us-service-daily-prayer

Resources for the Lent Group will be available later on the website and a Zoom link will be available for us to meet together tonight at 7pm.

Please continue to pray for each other and keep in touch via phone or messaging.

Here is the latest advice to churches from the Church of England: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches

Update 17/03/2020

The Church of England has said;

“In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have issued advice that public worship is suspended until further notice. Churches should be open where possible but with no public worship services taking place. Prayers can be said by clergy and ministers on behalf of everyone and churches should consider ways of sharing this with the wider community.”

All Sunday services are cancelled as our midweek Eucharist services. The clergy will say morning prayer at 9am and evening prayer at 4pm. You may choose to join the clergy in prayer from your own home at these times as they pray for the needs of the world and the parishes we serve.

We don’t yet have any guidance on how to manage funerals and weddings – we will let you know as soon as there is information.

In the meantime – please do pray for your communities, get in contact with vulnerable people by phone or email, look out for one another and support people if they are self isolating, but without coming into contact with them. If you are ill please do let David Baldwin know so we can provide pastoral care.

Keep checking the website for more updates. Keep safe.

Update 17/03/2020

Following the government guidelines we will be shutting Walk in Wednesday for the foreseeable future. This seems the best way to keep people safe.Please let people know who aren’t on Facebook. If people are feeling worried or concerned then please do get in touch – we can help support you on the phone, via email, through our online activities. Expect to see lots of online activity from the church in the next few week.

We will miss seeing you every Wednesday – but don’t worry, we will be back as soon as it is safe to do so.

Some Helpful Links

Worship at Home – Epiphany
Join Reverend Canon Joanna Neary, Team Vicar in the Beaminster Team, for a Worship at Home video service for Epiphany.