Prayer Calendar

We’ve created a prayer calendar to help you through the month.

What it is?

At the heart of a Christian disciple is prayer, through which we can seek for a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and those living around us. Our rhythms in life define our lives. This Prayer Calendar can be used as a prompt to help us pray for all who live and work within our parishes, the economy, the environment and other world issues. It is a good starter resource for those who don’t pray regularly, and it can help you to establish a rhythm of daily prayer or please just add the prayers points to your already established prayer life. 

How to use it? 

Please use this prayer calendar to pray with others around the Beaminster Area Team, within the comfort of your own home. There are 31 boxes, which correspond to the days of each month, with various prayer points in so we pray for each of our parishes on a monthly basis. 

You can download the prayer calendar to keep on your local device or print.
