Saturday 18th September is Beaminster’s Big Green Day. Our church Eco group is joining with the Beaminster Area Eco Group and the town council in planning this special event.
As I write this, the media headlines are code red with stark facts on global warming. The time to act is now if we want to care for and protect our planet for the future generations.
The Big Green Day event both in the Square and Public Hall will provide information and ideas on what we can each do. Exciting projects are planned which will offer involvement for all ages in our town. Let’s make this a greener more resilient town together.
We’ll be joining with others across our nation in The Great Big Green Week, 18th to 26th September, which promises to be the largest event for climate and nature ever seen in the UK. Watch out for posters etc. We also need to lobby our MP, sign petitions, email governmental departments etc. to bring in legislation to cause large corporations to make dramatic changes to combat global warming and reduce carbon emissions. The author, Victor Hugo, wrote “It is a sad thing to think that nature speaks and mankind does not listen”.
Community Litter Pick on Saturday September 11th at 10am, meet in the car park opposite the Barton House Surgery.
Gillian Perrott