Please remember the following this week.
Prayer Topics for the Coming Week How has God renewed your hope this week? Where have you seen glimpses of his glory?
Please pray for:
Prayer Topics for the Coming Week Please pray for:
• Mosterton in our team cycle of prayer. For churchwardens Ella and Graham, the PCC and congregation.
• The new headteacher at St Mary’s Academy and all our schools at the beginning of term.
• Those recovering from illness, those starting a new year in hospital or needing care.
• Ideas and plans for the year ahead: Experience Easter, Thy Kingdom Come, Pentecost prayer space, Messy Church, summer activities, confirmation and baptism prep.
• For those preparing to be married in the team this year and our wedding prep day in February.
• For the space and discipline to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we seek to plan for the year and decade ahead.
Thank you.