An Advent Reflection by Vicky Holland.
Luke 2:8 In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Looking after another living thing is not easy, whether it is a flock of sheep, a child or a houseplant. When we commit to looking after something we become responsible not only to keeping it alive, but also for its welfare: protecting from dangers and ensuring it grows and becomes the best it can be. Shepherds are are tribe apart. Most people that know me, know that I think sheep are hard work – they seem to actively seek out danger and can die simply by lying on their backs. But that doesn’t mean that they are not worthy of being cared for – maybe a bit like the human race.
Dear Lord. Help us to remember that we are a caring race; that we exist to nurture, encourage, love and watch out for each other. Thank you for being our constant shepherd. Amen
Reach out to someone you know you have neglected, however that came about. Write an email, send a Christmas card or pick up the phone and let them know you care.
-Vicky Holland
You can read all of the Advent Reflections via the following link – Advent Reflections 2019.