Rev Jo

Preparing for Pentecost

We will be celebrating Pentecost in a couple of weeks time both in church services and together at our Pentecost Praise afternoon. Do join us from 2pm on Sunday 20th May at St Mary’s Beaminster for all kinds of fun and games. This afternoon, our youth group will reflect on Acts 2 and ponder where […]

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Good Friday 2018 Sermon by Rev Jo

This week, this holy week, has been full of difficult and tense relationships. Our pastoral care has served broken relationships, abusive relationships, manipulative relationships and failed relationships. There have been lies and gossip, accusations and half-truths. There have been tears and unkind words. Yet there has also been listening, learning, forgiveness, honesty, reconciliation and glimpses

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New Website

With a glamorous new website and the sun shining today, I have a feeling of exciting new beginnings. Lots to be hopeful about, not least seeing new people at Walk in Wednesday tomorrow. Join us from 10am for coffee, cake and lots of chat.

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