We meet every Thursday evening at 7pm in St Mary’s Church, Beaminster to pray specifically for the spiritual life of the team and the work we do in all our churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Every week we publish prayer prompts to help us to pray and to enable people to join with us in prayer, even if they can’t be with us physically.
Cafe Prayer
Pray, serve, grow 15th March 2018
19:00 Chat and welcome
19:10 Bible reading followed by time of silence
19:30 Time of open prayer
19:45 End with prayer. Chat and feedback what God might be saying to us
20:00 Home
Hebrews 10:19-25 Renewing Hope: How has God renewed your hope this week?
Prayer Points
For Having enough volunteers for mission and outreach events
For Building relationships with young parents and children at Walk in Wednesday
For school Easter activities next week and those supporting them
Ongoing APCMs and recruitment to offices on PCCs, for new work with safeguarding, health and safety, and data protection
For baptisms beginning in April, for people on a journey of faith or new to faith
For a holy week: preparation and worship, for the journey we make and for new revelations of God’s presence and activity
God our Father, renew our hope
By the Holy Spirit’s power strengthen us to pray readily,
serve joyfully and grow abundantly,
rejoicing in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We believe that prayer is at the heart of all of our work and without seeking God’s will we can do nothing. We believe that God helps us discern what we should be doing to best serve our communities. We need to listen to him. Our prayer is both silent and out-loud and involves both talking to and listening to each other and God.
Anyone is welcome to join us on any Thursday or join in at home at a time and place that suits them.