Share your skills with the diocese

Lucinda Herklots, Salisbury Diocesan Secretary, has sent an invitation for you to share your skills with the diocese.

God Needs YOU!

…to use your skills to serve the Diocese


The Church is more than worshipping congregations. It plays a vital role in the life of our communities and our nation. The Diocese’s central structures enable it to do this, and also work to help struggling churches thrive, and to help thriving churches change the world for God.


We are at an exciting time in the Diocese with Renewing Hope: Pray, Serve, Grow well embedded and starting to deliver positive change.


It is vital that we have people from parishes involved in oversight of the Diocese’s work.


Our churches are full of people with valuable skills and experience. God needs people to serve the Diocese of Salisbury on a range of boards vital to its work, from ensuring it is financially solvent to educating our children, to helping churches engage with the media.


Most boards meet monthly or quarterly. In return for your time and your skills, you will make great friends and gain unique insight into the Church.


Learn more about the various boards below, and if you are interested in serving God and His Church in this way, contact me on or 01722 411922 with a brief CV by 8 October 2018.

Here are some of the roles you could volunteer for:

Finance Committee

  • A charity the size of the Diocese (annual turnover over £13 million) needs strong financial control to resource, ministry and mission.
  • Sets budgets, deploys human and other resources, raises money and plans for the medium and long term.
  • Needs a mix of skills, including financial management and investment but also those with experience primarily of parish and deanery finances.
  • Members serve for three year terms. Meets up to ten times per year.

Ministry and Mission Council

  • Responsible for formulating policies and providing support and resources on mission, evangelism, learning, discipleship and ministry.
  • Involves wide ranging contact with congregations and people, different departments in Church House, the National Church and ecumenical partners.
  • Members should be willing to take an interest in and responsibility for a particular areas of work such as discipleship, vocations, children and young people, etc..
  • Members serve for three year terms. Meets up to six times per year.

Audit and Risk Committee

  • Provides assurance regarding the annual Directors’ and Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements (“Report and Accounts”), systems of internal control and risk management.
  • Needs skills in audit, financial control, and risk management.
  • Meets up to four times per year.
  • May meet with external auditors.

Communications Group

  • Assists the Director of Communications in reaching and listening to the outside world; with parishes and church people; and internally.
  • Currently has a particular need for skills in internal communications in decentralised organisations; and social media marketing and communication.
  • Meets three times per year. No fixed membership period.