Join Rev Jo for a Worship at Home video service.
We are not all able to gather physically to worship today. However, we remember that although we may be apart, we can still worship together. Here are some resources and suggestions to help you worship at home and join together as the body of Christ. Thank you to all our contributors, Judith Hansen, Gill Perrott, and Martin Schellenberg.
We have recorded an act of worship for the 7th Sunday after Trinity. You can download the order of service to follow along.
The readings for the seventh Sunday after Trinity are:
- Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 3:5-12
- Psalm: Psalm 119:129-136
- New Testament: Romans 8:26-end
- Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:31-33,44-52
Collect for the 7th Sunday after Trinity
Lord of all power and might,
the author and giver of all good things:
graft in our hearts the love of your name,
increase in us true religion,
nourish us with all goodness,
and of your great mercy keep us in the same;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
Questions to reflect on
How do the images of growth and of small things having a big effect relate to how you understand the Kingdom of God? Do your actions have a wide impact?
How much is the Kingdom of heaven worth to you? What have you had to give up for your faith?
Could you write your own short parable? The Kingdom of heaven is like…
Our hymn today, King of Glory King of Peace by George Herbert, was recorded by the musicians of St Martin in the Fields.
The voluntary was recorded by the Director of Music at St Mary’s Beaminster, Martin Schellenberg. It was recorded on the organ St Mary’s Beaminster. You can also listen to Martin’s version of the same hymn.
Martin writes: There are two organ pieces this week. The first is Meditation from Suite Three Pieces for Organ by Nicholas Choveaux. This is a very reflective, simple piece which always has the melody in the right hand.
Choveaux was born in 1904 at Bromley, Kent. He was the Music Master at Dover College and was organist at Chelsea Old Church, St John’s Wimbledon and St Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield from 1934-48. From 1942-45 Nicholas Choveaux was music adviser for ENSA before becoming involved in contemporary music promotion at Boosey & Hawkes until 1947. The second piece is the wonderfully powerful Toccata in F by D. Buxtehude (1637 – 1707). He was a Danish-German organist and composer of the Baroque period. His organ works represent a central part of the standard organ repertoire and are frequently performed at recitals and in church services. He composed in a wide variety of vocal and instrumental idioms, and his style strongly influenced many composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach, his student. Today, Buxtehude is considered one of the most important composers in Germany of the mid-Baroque.
External Resources
Sunday Worship continues on Radio 4 every week
Worship is also available from Salisbury Cathedral via its YouTube Channel
And some things you may find interesting:
Find out more about how to become an eco-church
A new song from Taize “Herre, visa mig vagen” Lord show me the way.
Some music in this video: CC from The Church of England.
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