We have developed some summer holiday activities and challenges for you. There are four bible stories, each with a video, some suggested activities and a challenge. If you would like to participate in the challenges competition, then email your pictures to our website – beaminsterteammedia@gmail.com.
The pictures will go on the website and our social media. If you want to enter the challenge competitions but don’t want your photos public then just mention that in your email.
These activities replace our normal summer holiday activities when we gather together at village halls for crafts, activities and sports. Hopefully next year we will see you all again in person, but for now enjoy joining in virtually.
Creation & Genesis
Why do you think God kept saying everything he made was good? What can you make that is good? I wonder if God is still making different things? How can you be creative?
An easy playdough recipe
Get a grown up to help you.
- 1.5 cups flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 cup of boiling water
- Dump all the dry ingredients into the bowl and mix it all together.
What can you do with your playdough?
Have a go at making little creatures:
- A spider: roll a ball, add 8 legs, put some googly eyes on.
- A caterpillar: roll lots of balls and join together.
- As snake: roll out a long sausage and then draw a design on its back with a pencil
- Make food: playdough icecream cones, fish and chips, your favourite dinner.
- What about flowers? Or monster? Or sea creatures?
Airdry Clay
What can you make and model with your airdry clay. You can add sequins or buttons, or natural things you find in the garden? What about adding pine needles to make a hedgehog or leaves to make a peacock?
Pebble Snake
Decorate a pebble you can find in the garden or one in your pack. Draw or paint an animal or sea creature or a made up creature of your own? Or trees, or hills or flowers or anything else from creation. You could come and add your pebble to the pebble snake in St Mary’s Beaminster churchyard, or create a pebble snake in your village and get other people to add to it? How long can we make the snake?
How do plant and animals help us? How can we help them?
Go on a walk around your garden, around your village or somewhere else outside? What different things can you see? What do you think are the amazing things you can see? What is the biggest thing, the smallest thing, the most beautiful thing?
Lord God, help us to see how good your creation is. Help us to take care of creation and care for each other. Amen.
Make something out of playdough or air dry clay and send us a picture of it.