We are not able to gather physically to worship today. However, we remember that although we may be apart, we can still worship together. Here are some resources and suggestions to help you worship at home and join together as the body of Christ. Thank you to all our contributors: Julie Steele, Alastair Wheeler, and Martin Schellenberg.
The order of the service for the above video is available for download here so you can follow along.
Zoom Coffee
Please join us for Zoom coffee at 10am on Sunday. Make your coffee and then click the link to join us. If you want to recreate the true church experience, then watch the worship first.
The readings for the Second Sunday after Trinity are:
- Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 20:7-13
- Psalm: Psalm 69
- New Testament: Romans 6:1b-11
- Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:24-39
Collect for the Second Sunday after Trinity
Lord, you have taught us
that all our doings without love are nothing worth:
send your Holy Spirit
and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
the true bond of peace and of all virtues,
without which whoever lives is counted dead before you.
Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen
Questions to reflect on:
What are your experiences of taking up the cross and following Jesus? What have been the joys and what have been the difficulties?
What would you like the church do to help and enable you to live out your daily life as a Christian? Please send any ideas of how we can support you in your Christian life to Jo or David.
Our hymn today, Lord for the years, was recorded by the musicians of St Martin the Fields. Hymn 361 – O for a heart to praise my God : Tune – Stockton
The voluntary, details below, was recorded by the Director of Music at St Mary’s Beaminster, Martin Schellenberg. It was recorded on the organ St Mary’s Beaminster during his weekly visit to keep the organ working well. You can also listen to another hymn for the Second Sunday after Trinity
Martin writes: “There are two organ pieces this week. The first is the beautiful and reflective Fidelis by Percy Whitlock which ends on a solo flute stop. The second is the rousing and bold Alla Marcia by John Ireland which ends on full organ. Quite a contrast.”
External Resources
Sunday Worship continues on Radio 4 every week https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qnds
There is also worship at 11.45am this week on BBC1 (note different time) https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000h05p
Worship is also available from Salisbury Cathedral via their YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/SalisburyCathedral1
Finally some things that you might find interesting.
A new song from John Bell and the Iona Community: We will meet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN8HK_R-K24
A jazz version of the Lord’s Prayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIFbyAivUqo
More from the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir – get those feet tapping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUvDjf41u7c
The Sixteen performing Libera Nos by John Sheppard Text translated means Free us, save us, defend us, O blessed Trinity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAbAtsaApZk
Some music in this video: CC from The Church of England.
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