“They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it has been written by the prophet:” – Matthew 2:5.
When we say Bethlehem the person who springs to mind is Jesus. But for those living at the time Bethlehem meant King David, the archetypal godly leader. All Israel was anxiously awaiting his successor, the Messiah, who would be born in Bethlehem.
As Israel was eagerly waiting for the messiah, so we pray: Maranatha. Come Lord come.
As we look to the coming of Jesus, what actions can you take to make yourself and your community ready to greet him.
Archdeacon of Sherborne Penny Sayer
Advent Reflection 24
Today’s Advent reflection is written by Bishop Karen. “For a child has been born for…
Advent Reflection 23
Today’s Advent reflection is written by Sarah Keen. “and remained there until the death of…
Advent Reflection 22
Today’s Advent reflection is written by Barbara Simmonds. “Then Joseph got up, took the child…
Advent Reflection 21
Today’s Advent reflection is written by Patrick Evans. “Now after they had left, an angel…
Advent Reflection 20
Today’s Advent reflection is written by Patrick Evans. “And having been warned in a dream…
Advent Reflection 19
Today’s Advent reflection is written by David Shearlock. “On entering the house, they saw the…