“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.” – Matthew 2:12
‘Spot on, wise men, good call’ said the 11 year old and then ‘if they had gone back to Herod, well, end of story’. Every day we make decisions. Which way is best? Most decisions are easy, common sense we say. Other decisions are difficult. We struggle. Conscience, warnings or encouragement, accumulated wisdom, experience, even a dream, intuition. Perhaps a moment of quiet reflection and prayer, waiting for God in Jesus to open our eyes and help us glimpse what is the right decision. Sometimes how hard to change our mind and our original plan and take a very different path.
Lord help me to look out for and listen to your wisdom that I may seek to do what is right in your eyes.
Give some extra time to any decisions that you need to make say about family and friends during the Christmas holidays.
The Venerable Patrick Evans Partner priest in Beaminster Team Ministry
Advent Reflection 24
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Advent Reflection 23
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Advent Reflection 21
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