As I write we are halfway through COP 26. So far there have been some good decisions made but is it enough? The evidence will be in action rather than pledges.
What impressed me was the huge march of young people demanding their voices are heard. A group of young Christian climate activists walked a 1200-mile route from Cornwall to COP 26 in Glasgow. They featured on Songs of Praise on 7th November. That shows real commitment.
What is our part? We cannot leave it all to politicians and big companies. What we each do can affect the world our young will inherit. If you don’t know where to begin would you like to join a group for a series of 7/8 sessions in a relaxed and friendly way based on the Dorset Green Living Guide? This is a mine of information and gives all sorts of suggestions; some very easy, some that are more of a challenge. Having decided what actions to take you may well be surprised at the reduction of your carbon footprint.
We are hoping to set up some groups in January so if interested please get in touch.
Eco Tip: Support Social Justice buying Christmas cards & gifts from organisations such as Traidcraft, Christian Aid, Send a Cow, Embrace the Middle East to name but a few.
Gillian Perrott