Eco Church August 2024 Update

Following up on last month’s spotting of hedgehog poos being seen, the delightful creatures have now been spotted in the churchyard.

At Messy Church in July we looked at Jesus’ story of the wise and foolish builders. We thought about and prayed for the building work which has now started in our church. One of our activities was to build a bug church. The first resident crawling on the floor was placed inside. The bug church is now being finished and will be
placed soon in the churchyard.

We are also working on a shallow water feature in the hope of encouraging frogs, toads, newts, and water insects. It will be accessible to small mammals and birds etc.

The Beaminster Big Green Day is on Saturday 28 September this year. It is taking place at Beaminster School playing fields so please note the date in your diaries and come along on the day.

Make sure you provide shallow water containers for birds and insects in dry spells.

Have fun building bug houses or flats in your garden.

Gill Perrott

Worship at Home – Epiphany
Join Reverend Canon Joanna Neary, Team Vicar in the Beaminster Team, for a Worship at Home video service for Epiphany.