January 2025 Eco Church Update

At the beginning of 2025 we review what has been good here.

The Decorations and magnificent Christmas tree in the Square lifted our hopes as we looked forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, God’s gift of salvation and a new way of life for us all. A part of this gift is to care for creation both locally and worldwide.

The A Rocha ECO Church project now has 7500 churches registered since launching in 2016 with over 3500 achieving an award.

A new survey has been launched with its goal to Net Zero for church buildings and a real drive for church graveyards and land to increase habitat for all wildlife and nature.

At St Mary’s we now have a shallow rainwater source in our wildlife area near the south wall of the churchyard. We will sow wildflower seeds alongside the south wall on the soil spoil from our recent drainage connection.

We are being asked by other parishes both locally and further afield about our Net Zero project, ECO Church, and what we have done in our churchyard
to encourage wildlife. Sue and I spent a morning recently with the church warden and two others in Symondsbury Church sharing ideas and information. It was good to see the wildlife areas in their churchyard. We were really encouraged by their enthusiasm.

I am working on the energy statistics from St Mary’s solar panels and ASHPs for the year 2024 and will report them next time when we have figures for December. But despite a rather gloomy and rainy year we have received £1359 for exported electricity.

Gillian Perrott