Lent Study – Part 3
Information and resources for the third part of our Lent Study – Saying Yes to…
Lent Study – Part 2
Information and resources for the second part of our Lent Study – Saying Yes to…
Lent Study – Part 1
Information and resources for the first part of our Lent Study – Saying Yes to…
Lent Study – Saying Yes To Life
Come join us in studying the Lent book Saying Yes To Life. The Archbishop of…
The Archbishop of Canterbury has commissioned Ruth Valerio to write this years Archbishop’s Lent book Saying Yes to Life, and asked that parishes across the land use it as either a personal or study group lenten discipline. I would like to encourage our study groups to take up this challenge. As the theme of the book covers one of the aspects of the way of life shared by the community of the annunciation, ‘What steps do we take to care for the environment?,’ Jo and myself will be running study groups during Lent on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings using some of the on-line material that will be available to accompany the book and we see this as a possible opportunity for study group members to meet and work with each other as well as giving leaders a break from leading.
So what is the study book about? I quote from the book itself, ‘Saying Yes to Life lifts our focus from natural, everyday concerns to issues that have an impact on millions of lives around the world. As people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created: to share in God’s joy and ingenuity in making a difference for good’. Drawn on the days of creation in Genesis 1, Ruth Valerio relates to themes of light, water, land, the seasons, other creatures, humankind, sabbath rest and resurrection hope to matters of environmental, ethical and social concern. Each chapter ends with discussion questions, prayer and an aid to action and contemplation.
The Lent course begins on Thursday 27th February at 19:00 at St Mary’s Beaminster. The course runs on both Thursday at 19:00 and Monday at 10:00. There is no need to attend both sessions as they are repeats of each other but feel free to move between the groups if that is useful to you and your commitments.
We are exploring the book Saying Yes to Life. We will also post some questions on the website each week.
Session | Theme from “Saying Yes to Life” | Thursday 19:00 | Monday 10:00 |
1 | Let there be light | 27th Feb | 2nd March |
2 | Let the waters be separated | 5th March | 9th March |
3 | Let the land produce vegetation | 12th March | 16th March |
4 | Let there be lights in the sky | 19th March | 23th March |
5 | Let the waters teem with living creatures and let birds fly | 26th March | 30th March |
6 | Let the land produce living creatures and let us make humankind in our image | 2nd April | 6th April at 10:30 (after Holy Week meditation) |
There are a series of video resources to go along with the course. The first is below and you can find the rest on the Say Yes To Life Video Resources page.