Advent Reflection 02

An Advent reflection by Barbara Simmonds.


Jeremiah 33:15 In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.


In those days and at that time; when Jeremiah made this prophecy, he didn’t know when it would come to fruition, but he knew that it would at the right time. In Advent, we look back at the prophecies of the prophets concerning the one who was to come, and see how they were fulfilled by the coming of Jesus. We also look forward, to when they will be fully fulfilled throughout the world, when Jesus comes again.


Thank you Lord for the promises you make to us. Help us to live with a sense of expectancy and belief that they will come to fruition. Amen


Have a close look at the branch of a tree. The branches are bare now, but on them you can see the buds that will open next spring. A picture for the promises God makes, that will be fully revealed and blossom when the time is right.

Barbara Simmonds

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