Advent Reflection 07

An Advent reflection by Sian Robinson.


Psalm 25: 8-10 Good and upright is the Lord;
    therefore he instructs sinners in the way.
He leads the humble in what is right,
    and teaches the humble his way.
10 All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,
    for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.


As a Christian being humble is easy, isn’t it?  I give to charity, I am not arrogant or stubborn and I am modest. 

Except this passage maybe is more to do with allowing God to lead and to teach me.  That requires real humility-to think of myself less.  If I am already humble then allowing God to lead me should be easy too, as long as I am prepared to listen, really hear what God is saying to me and trust Him. 

Of course, it isn’t easy, but taking the easy path is not always the right thing to do. The stable scene in Bethlehem reminds us of that every year. 


Generous Father, lead me on your path and teach me the ways of steadfast love and faithfulness.


Have a conversation where you talk less than the other person so you can really listen to what they are saying.

Sian Robinson

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