Advent Reflection 15

“Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star had appeared.” – Matthew 2:7


The secrecy involved in this meeting about the birth of a child shows how much Herod feared the threat to his status as king. 

Although Herod’s subsequent actions prove to be extreme, his reaction to a threat to his status is all too human. Which of us has not, at some point in our life, feared a change in our perceived status? Retirement, children leaving home, relationship break ups and even a newcomer in our workplace or circle of friends can make us question our place in society and in the lives of our family and friends.


Lord, give us the confidence to see ourselves as you see us; to be the people you want us to be and not be constrained by our desire to be important to others.


Identify three qualities you have which are not dependent on how others see you.

Anne Woodward, Beaminster Team Administrator

Advent Reflection 11

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