An Advent reflection by Sue Counsell.
Zephaniah 3:15 The Lord has taken away the judgments against you,
he has turned away your enemies.
The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst;
you shall fear disaster no more.
After God wiped out Jerusalem, Zephaniah is describing God’s purpose for the humble, faithful few remaining. God is in their midst pouring out His love. Supposing God suddenly interrupted us in the middle of daily life? What would He find? Do our actions match our faith commitments? Are we ready for Him or are we just jogging indifferently along? What is our relationship with our fellow Christians and our community?
These words are both a great challenge to us and also a great encouragement to know that whatever happens to us our sins are forgiven, fear is dispelled and He is there surrounding us with his love.
Lord help us to be always aware of you in our daily lives and thank you for your eternal guidance, forgiveness and love. AMEN
Spend time considering what would happen if God interrupted us. What would change in our world? What fears would be dispelled? What injustices overturned?
Sue Counsell