Advent is a time of waiting.
Our first grandchild was safely delivered last night. As a family we have been waiting for what seems an eternity for an everyday miracle to happen – the birth of a child. We have prepared ourselves for this new addition to our family both emotionally and practically.
However over nine months this preparation and anticipation has become a kind of routine, so that when our granddaughter finally arrived it was in effect, a shock to us and we reacted to the news with profound emotion.
Throughout the past few months we have been reminded of other significant times of waiting we have been through – particularly waiting for a loved one to die. Although opposite to the joy of the arrival of a new baby, waiting for death can also become so much of a routine that when the end finally comes, we are taken by surprise.
During Advent Christians annually prepare to celebrate the birth of the Christ child at Christmas, but we must endeavour to make sure that our preparations and waiting don’t become routine. Ensuring that when we finally greet our Saviour, we are not taken by surprise spiritually.
– Anne Woodward, Team administrator